Congratulations Harrison Dill on his Recent Initiation into the Order of Omega at Kansas State. Order of Omega is a leadership honor society for members of fraternity and sorority organizations. Order of Omega recognizes sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have exemplified high standards in scholarship and leadership, as well as involvement within their respective…
Congratulations Harrison Dill on Recent Initiation into the Order of Omega.
SigEP Learning Community to Host Love Mom and Dad – Hazing Awareness and Prevention Event
Sigma Phi Epsilon will sponsor the event in partnership with FSL. The program titled, Love Mom and Dad, is the nationally recognized talk given by two heroes, two humans who have taken the worse possible time in their lives and made good from it. Love Mom and Dad tells the story of Mrs. Gruver and…
Grand Chapter Conclave Early Bird Registration Due April 14th.
Every two years, Sigma Phi Epsilon hosts the largest gathering of its members across the nation, the Grand Chapter Conclave. Conclave brings together undergraduate and alumni brothers from across the country to recognize high achievement, inspire continued success and leave a legacy on the national organization. Attendees participate in personal and professional development activities and…