SigEp is proud to offer nationwide career coaching, available to every undergraduate brother in the fraternity. SigEp with match you with a career coach whether you are a freshman or a senior, whether you are interviewing for your first job or simply trying to figure out what major you should pursue. .
Career Coaching Made Available to Every SigEp Undergraduate Brother in the Country
Ruck Leadership Institute Applications are Live – Deadline March 1st!
Ruck Leadership will be held on June 14-18, 2023 at the University of Richmond. The Frank J. Ruck Leadership Institute prepares you to lead culture change, reaching beyond your chapter and campus and into your community. Executive-level alumni mentors work with you on how to engage in challenging and meaningful conversations — a skill not…
Kansas Beta Brother Ethan Lancaster chosen as a finalist for the Tragos Quest to Greece in 2023
Congrats to Kansas Beta brother Ethan Lancaster for being chosen as a finalist for the Tragos Quest to Greece. This spring, 16 brothers will be chosen from the group of finalist to attend the 2023 Quest.